So this is the getaway vehicle. As you can see it needs to be kept idleing so as to make a hasty exit, and the driver, plus accomplices, stay in as well. The night was Feb. 6, if i remember correctly, and the occasion was Raelene's birthday (poor girl)....the setting, well lets just say this was one car full of great girls out on the town with an extra loo! yes you read it right, one toilet up for grabs by an unsuspecting lucky winner......

Here is the infamous piece of bathroom furniture in all its glory....well ok its a pretty bad picture and you can hardly tell WHAT it is exactly, but it was kind of cramped in the back seat and turning around to take a picture of a toilet that is two inches from the back of your head is kind of tough. Our first stop was the firestation to embarass Raelene as 5 rather nice firemen encircled her on her "throne" for a picture. At this point my camera was out of battery...arrrggh...but we subsequently got some so the rest of the night is documented.

Second stop, TIM HORTONS. yay! One pack of timbits please and..oh, wait, theres a girl sitting on a toilet in the drive through...HAHAHAHAHA. With her, the master planner, Sandra Thompson, such a smarty. The poor young guy at the window was so flabbergasted he didn't know quite what to say, but eventually every employee in there was at the window watching the proceedings.

Last and final stop, the Martens household. Great people who we utterly hoped would not mind a new lawn ornament. With the drop done (no pun intended...haha, i mean the dropping off of the toilet), the timbits placed neatly inside, with a note reading a passing on of the toilet had to be done to stop something "crappy" happening, and the picture taken, we were off and running to the getaway vehicle. 10 minutes later an unsuspecting red kia drove by, stopped and two very cute girls crept up too look inside an empty toilet! yes! it had worked, and the bait taken. Oh, what a night! ok, so one week later i asked raeleen if they had heard what had happend and just so you get an idea of how small a place i really live in, the martens' had passed on the toilet to some of their friends, and one of then happened to be the boyfriend of Raeleen's classmate. which is how we found out it had been moved. :) we also found out that these people are now using it as an extra piece of living room furniture. lets hope thats ALL its being used for in there. until the next adventure. over and out.