So This is my deck....snazy hey? That is also my window you can see....and that is about it. I have more pictures to come though. I am all moved in (what few belongings i own) and slowly will furnish my new little space. Tomorow is grocery shopping day. So far i have lived on what i scrounged from my parents pantry and freezer. tuna and dry toast.
It's different, this living on my own thing....but good. I have a feeling i will grow in good ways. well, its time to feed my fishes.
Once upon a time there was a pair of shoes.
These shoes probably got made in a factory by a scarcely paid indonesian child...but we wont go there.
Eventually these shoes made their way over the ocean to a store in Penticton B.C. and a little tag was put on them declaring their worth at 100,000 times the price that they cost to make.
An, at that moment, thriftless consumer, who shall remain nameless, entered the store, saw the shoes and fell in love with them immediately.
She was happy and her feet were happy, although her pocket book was a little emptier.
The shoes were worn with joy until one day they got taken to work and put on the "outdoor" shoe rack with lots of other shoes that were not nearly so nice.
An, at that moment, "thrifty" thief snatched the shoes, that were not hers, off the rack, thinking they would be happier with her.
The original owner was devastated at her loss.....but resolved in her heart that for something to come back on their own she had to let them go....
Two days later she entered the same place and, to her utter amazement, THERE THEY WERE!!!
Her shoes had returned. Obviuosly shaken and ready to be worn again by the loving girl who owned them first.