I've just finished reading Tuesday's with Morrie.....again. I think its the third or fourth time i've read it and every time i....cry, but i also get so many good life lessons out of it that i try to put into practice. I even came up with my own aphorism today. It goes like this:
"find meaning in your present circumstances"
People are always trying to find meaning in life. Meaning isn't what life holds that is just out of grasp or reach, meaning is what we appreciate daily. It is having peace and joy in where we are at, no matter what is going on, even though there are activities or places we want to do or be. It is LOVING the people in our lives daily. No one else will find meaning for us, we must do it. The world will go on, no matter if ours stops.
Here are some other lessons i re-learned from this amazing book based on an amazing man.
1. Accepting both abilities and inabilities is important both of ourselves and others (it is only when we accept what we can and can't do that we will be willing AS WE ARE to do good)
2. relationships should not take second place (make time for the people in your life)
3. love is the only rational act; we have to learn how to give out love and to let it come in
4. perspective is important (morrie considered himself "lucky" to die a slow death because he had so much time to say good-bye)
5. human touch is important
6. be involved in your life while you are living it
7. love eachother or perish
8. it is important to allow emotions to be felt, not to push them away, but to deal with them and then let them go if needed
9. we are all needed becuase we all have something to give to others...and we need others
10. forgive yourself
11. we create love during our lives and that lives on
I hope Morrie is in heaven becuase i'd like to talk to him.....