So we arrived in London on July 2...the day after a number of bomb threats right around our hostel area! no worries, we are now gone and didnt explode! Some things ive learned since coming to britian:
1. black men do not have white hands
2. roads that appear to be one way can really fit two cars
3. dont stop on a sidewalk in london during "coming home from work time" you will get run over by people
4. its ok to touch peoples bums if its rush hour on the underground tube in London
5. when people say they dont have ketchup, they really dont have ketchup
6. distance scales on maps will not accurately tell you how long it will take to get somwhere.
7. welsh fathers will try to set you up with their sons
8. when cops stop you they may let you off because you aren't from "around here" :)
so far, its been fun!!!