Hello to anyone who will read this. It seems like with the ever addicting facebook on the loose, my blog is getting quite neglected. but this is a better venue for thoughts, so i will hopefully continue to write.
I have pictures on facebook...if you want some on here, just ask me in comments and i'll for sure put some on. probably not all 1600, but a few anyway :)
I had so many thoughts and feelings in kenya that seem a bit far away now. I feel like i've "turned off" in some ways and am not allowing myself to keep learning and feeling from things i see here. I am stressing too much about what i should DO next. I've had many thoughts about going back to kenya, about starting school again, working, more travel......my options are many. Its kind of exciting that i can choose whatever i want, but unsettling too in that starting new again takes effort and time. Anyone have any ideas? I'm asking the Lord this every day and so far I've got from Him that I shouldn't fret, but wait patiently. He showed me yesterday that He can arrange random meetings with people and speak into our lives through strangers. What i do know is i want to seek out my callings. Develope my gifts and use them for God's glory. If this is my goal, I know He will lead. Faith is hard sometimes....but necessary for REAL life. I want to Live my life...not in doubt or anxiousness, but doing what i love to do. This is what i want to seek out daily. Who has God made me and what do i Love. He has been so faithful to lead in the past and i dont regret anything i've done, so why do i have trouble believing the next step will be right also?? Trust. TRUST. Of course....He is GOD.