Must not listen, must not go in...MUST RESIST!
I have realized up here little habits like stopping and getting a coffee somewhere, or a snack for the hec of it are pretty unnecessary to do multiple times a week. I haven't gone out for coffee in three months! Actually that sounds a bit sad, as it is one of my favorite things to do, but it has saved me money that's for sure. Also in a place where there is no form of entertainment to be found you have to be resourceful with your makes you creative...or lazy...or a workaholic..but over all its economical.
The north is a great place to think. With less stimulation from noise or people or city options you just have time to experience your surroundings, which are beautiful. I guess its still a matter of making the time and consciously taking it all in, but there are some instances where it feels like what you are seeing or doing is just forcing its beauty on you and yelling at you that you are in some place special, like no where else. I mean where else can I go out on a sea-do and have beluga whales swim right under me, or quading and drive by polar bears lounging on the rocks?! I've seen herds of grazing caribou, arctic hares, countless birds and the most amazing sunsets blazing their brilliance off of melting sea ice...
I've swam in the Hudson's Bay...with the sea ice...and been to places where first contact was made between Europeans and Aboriginal people in the 1600's. crazy!
I've also been introduced to some great people...but at the same time missed my family and friends....
I sort of forget why i started this post, maybe just to reminisce a little bit over the last three say that out of the 9 things in my previous list (number 8 is still a mystery) I have accomplished 8 of them. I will miss Churchill for sure, but what's next is about to begin and I am excited for that!
see you soon :)