Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Christmas # 2

No, No, its not that i had a second Christmas, i just really needed to add a few more churchill pics to get the full effect of the FUN had whilst there!! This head massager became the hit's my dad giving the usual reaction..........hehe. We did A LOT of snowmobiling while in the great tundra which was so much fun! I've decided i like any type of fast machine with power. Does anything look out of place in this picture...? Wait, is that a couch? The "sled" as it was called was super comfy too.
OK so i haven't figured out how to turn pictures around...yet, but this one had to make it in here. The lovely hula man is my dear grandpa. he was such a good sport for letting us dress him up, he even did a dance for us...ha, love it.
One day we went out to a Fort Merry, which was some kind of English stronghold in the 1700's? i forget exactly, but there was cool old cannons and huge snow drifts that became landing sites for jumping off the walls, then wrestling arenas.

And here's the whole gang (minus auntie Joanne who, while we were bundling up was probably sweating like crazy in shorts in paraguay) What a great looking family AND an awesome bunch of people to share good times.

OK so this is the last time i'll talk about Christmas....i think i am catching up on life now, but my January has been so busy i dont even know where the month has gone. Cheers to all and i'll leave you with a thought....

"whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right"


Mama Bear said...

more awesome pics...lovin' it, lovin' it!

Anonymous said...

makes me want to travel with you. say, er, august or september?


Anonymous said...

Great blogs about our Christmas. We're definately blessed to have a family like we do. I don't think I'd ever get tired of hanging out with them.