So i broke down and decided to carve a pumpkin....I'm not really a celebrater of this particular day on the calendar, for a number of reasons that i could list, but i know it can just be a day to dress up and carve a pumkin too, so i've done one of those things and that is what i'll stick with. Plus we made really yummy snacks!
Blood-shot eyeball cupcakes...wooo..haah...haha
carving away....i ended up buying a huge beast of a pumpkin, so it took a while to scoop out the goop, and my one finger is still paying the price! The story is: i felt my nail or something gouge into my pumpkins flesh as i was scooping, it hurt under my nail, but i thought it wasn't that bad, but last night..two days later...i woke up to my finger throbbing like crazy and today its twice the size of my other one! so beware of the inflammating pumpkin virus!
This is nicole, the mastermind behind the carving party. she carved the grim reaper into her orange orb.
These are the finished products, and i must say i was impressed with them. mine is the tree with the scared face. i may post another picture of it yet just because i'm so proud!

These are the finished products, and i must say i was impressed with them. mine is the tree with the scared face. i may post another picture of it yet just because i'm so proud!