Tamara's wedding finally happend! This has been almost three years in the making, and it was every bit as beautiful as it should have been! Probably one of the smoothest executed weddings in history, with a lot of laughs and LOVE absolutely EVERYWHERE! My family is the greatest!
Two runs through at the rehearsal and everyone was "good-to-go" I realized that rehearsals, when they are smooth, are so much like the real thing that when the acutal wedding happens its like a copy, like its already been done....maybe when i get married, i'll get the pastor to do all the technical stuff at the rehearsal...well, maybe not.
Jesse......you're welcome.
helping get tamara ready was such an honor. Here i am trying to get the veil to stay in hair that was harder than rock and one big bobby pin!
The purple clones, as we were lovingly called all day, from left to right: April, Chealsey, Moi, Jenette, and Jolene.

The groom and his men, sadly all of which were not for me; meaning either married, American, or still in the womb. ( please dont take offense) ;)
Very nice, Renae. Do you remember on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.... the girl that turned all purple and then exploded...??
yes, yes i do.....so are you likening me to this or was that a random comment not based on the fact that i'm wearing a purple dress....hmmmmm???
I'm definitely going to go with "unrelated"!
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