Friday, March 09, 2007

100 things to do before i die...

So i was looking through my "hope" chest the other day and found a list i compiled on October 12, 2002 (thank goodness for printers that print dates on pages). It was a list of 100 things i want to do in my life. I went through it and checked off 35 things i had already accomplished! crazy! things like: learn the violin, have dreads, graduate college, be present when my cat dies....simple stuff, but all stuff i wanted to do at some point in my life. I also had listed stuff like "change the world for the better", which is a little harder to measure...but i checked it off anyway...hehe. Here are some that i haven't done..yet:

1. go back to New Zealand
2. be buttercup in a stage play
3. own a goat
4. ride an elephant
5. memorize another book of the Bible
6. do a triathalon
7. live in a log cabin
8. write a book (maybe a little ambitious)
9. sea kayak in alaska
10. witness Christs return (obviously out of my control :)

Some of the 65 things left to do i still want to do, others i would probably change, but it was neat to get out and read again. If you haven't done it i would recommend making a list like this and then put it away and find it years later. If you can organize to do that.


Mama Bear said...

you forgot the most OBVIOUS one ;)

renae plett. said...

of course i want to visit you....!?