Tuscany....To me it brought images of villas, cobbled streets,little old ladies, and good wine! I must say i was not dissapointed!!!

Florence (above) was a busy town! We waited three hours in line to see Michaelangelos David, and decided that was going to be our art experience of Italy. It was magnificent! We could have probably spent weeks in florence and gone to a different museum or gallery every day, but alas....why???

After Florence was pisa...and yes as you can see i posed for the cheesy holding up the tower picture! ha! we hopped off, saw the tower and hopped back on the train here!

Typical tuscan doorway..i love it! doesnt it just make you wonder whats inside??

HAHA..we hired a scooter for the day today and zipped around the tuscan countryside. Only one near death crash....no truly i did make us fall over as i was trying to make a u-turn, and we broke off the foot rest..hehe..good thing they dont inspect to closely on return!

Wine country

We met this lady because we drove up a tiny gravel road trying to find a winery! We asked her (in our halted italian) if she had wine to taste. She led us into a cellar building where there were two barrels and gave me some in a kitchen cup! It was pretty good. we asked if she had bottles and she proceeded to take an empty bottle from a bucket a pour out some old drops of wine from the bottom, then wash it out in a barrel in the back. This is when we saw the cockraoch crawling on the floor and thought hmmm...maybe i dont want wine from this little old italian lady! She was so nice though so we had to gt a picture!

This is san gigmignano or whats called midevil dysneyland! it was cool, lots of towers and had great views on the countryside. Besides the bigger cities like florence, pisa, sienna, Tuscany is dotted with these villages that have become tourist meccas, and then there are private villas you see around as well amoung the fields! all is so beautiful! It is our last night here tonight and tomorow we head to the chinque terre for a hike, and then on to the Italian riviera! Will i ever want to go back to real life???