Thursday, October 30, 2008

Not my own

So I was looking at my bank account information on-line yesterday (something i dont do very often, mostly because its depressing at how quickly it goes down...) and i noticed that payments were still coming out from some house related companies that i thought were taken care of!

i.e. hundreds of dollars I am paying on a non-existent house!

This made me pretty upset. UPSET. Of course i right aways tried to contact these companies to tell them of THEIR mistake only to be told by one that it was my fault and by the other that they would reimburse some of it. Still, in my mind i am thinking how dare they take MY money. I am a student with no income, big expenses, and i need every penny. Then i settled down and learnt a lesson....

I remembered that what i have is not my own. I dont Deserve it, why should i have any more than anyone else and what right do I have to get angry over what God could take away in an instant. It is HIS. So i can see getting upset over taking money from Him, but i felt convicted about feeling like I had been wronged over something that was mine. Money makes us feel a lot of emotions. I am now going to try to really see it as a gift and, sort of, not mine...maybe i'll be more thoughtful....and prayerful, as to how i spend it.


righthere.rightnow. said...

Thanks for your perspective on this post - I got news today of a similar situation, and I'm not over the "mad" yet... your post is a good reminder for me:) Hope you're doing well - and is that your boat? And does your nemesis have a name?

Bloggy Mama said...

Hmmm... great point. I always feel frustrated when things aren't going as I would hope in the financial, department. I'm thankful for J to remind me - it's not actually mine, anyhow.
Thanks for sharing this.

renae plett. said...

thanks for commenting friends :) and sandra to answer your question, its not my boat and so far it doesn't have a name...except maybe some 'spur of the moment' bad ones ;)