Sunday, October 17, 2010

letting go

I think I have a habit of holding on to things when I should really just let them go. It's sort of this compulsive fear that If I let it go it will never come back, so I have to just hoard it so I get to keep it, even if its just a possibility of something, and not even reality. Like hoarding the idea, becuase if i don't, it wont come true. This really leads to a lot of worry about things not happening becuase the idea just sits there and nothing ever happens!

From experience, I would advise not doing this....its not fun.

But tonight I expereinced a little bit of letting go and realize that the more I simply give to God the more I'm actually ok with present circumstances and feel free of having to have my own ideas becuase I know there is a master plan. Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking of letting go of dreams or ambitions and I still think moving ahead in action towards those dreams is important, but its the release of being chained to them, of thinking life isn't fulfilled without them, and of believing its your own resposibility for making them happen.

Our resposiblity is pretty simple really. Give over responsibility to God. He's got it covered.  

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Agreed. And today I was reminded of the FREEDOM we are supposed to have in God, not the stress or worry or anxiety or guilt or fear. Even in far away places, i think we're having some similar thoughts. :)