Monday, October 11, 2010

Toddlers Online

This article amazed me! It's a US study, but seeing as we sort of follow our southern neighbours it is probably amost the same in Canada. Kids are growing up having their lives documented in cyberspace. Somehow I sort of think this is an invasion of their privacy and rights. I guess kids have to trust their parents until they choose to put their own voice on the internet, which is happening at a younger and younger age. I mean there is social networking sights for 5 year olds! Yes they are "friendly" but there is no mental strainer when you are that age to know what to put on there or not! I just have such mixed feelings about it all. What do you think?
92% of U.S. Toddlers Have Online Presence

1 comment:

Mama Bear said...

It's kind of a tough call. I mean, these kids will be growing up in a world where everything is done online so they'll need to know how it works.
On the other hand, you want to protect them from the 'mean streets' of internet thugs.
Many of my friends have blogs and talk about their kids on the blogs but not many of them use the child's full name. They'll use a first initial like 'H'. Another friend of mine uses completely different names for her children. According to her blog, her girls are named 'Plava' & 'Pito'.
It's smart, i think. I mean, friends and family know exactly who is being talked about but an outsider will have no idea....except the pictures. but that's a whole different can of worms.