Is this not the cutest fish face you've ever seen???? this is dwight. He belongs to me and my friend Nicole, who for lack of anything better to do decided to look at the animals in petland and came out with a fish!

This is Dwights home and his friend Willis. Willis was bought for company, but he's a bit of a bully....probably becuase dwight looks like a bit of a nerd, but geeks are cool so i must teach dwight how to stand up for himself so he gets his share of the meals. These fish are also, for me, a tribute to James, my "miracle" fish who i supposedly did everything wrong with in taking care of him, but he lived!! I'm thinking he is still alive and happy with Richard in New Zealand. Fish are amazingly uplifting pets. they make me happy. doesn't take much....:)
1 comment:
i like him :D
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