Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Sometimes you only see how far you've come by observing somebody else in a situation you used to be in. This feels good knowing you've progressed, advance, learned....become more confident, and can be in a place where you can be an example to others because of your experience. hmmmm...this could have Christian life principles written all over it, but i'm referring to pilates. I've been instructing for almost two years and still feel pretty new sometimes, but today i had a lady, just in the process of taking her training, observe my class and all she had was high praise for my skill. This made me feel good (if i'm totally honest) and made me realize maybe i'm not still so "new" as i thought...maybe i have learnt a lot and become a better instructor and maybe am actually helping these women with their fitness in some way! Maybe i'm the best pilates instRUCTOR IN THE WORLD!!!!

....ok i wont go that far, but at least some people like my teaching.

1 comment:

Mama Bear said...

you learn quickly, young grasshopper~ Remember the principles.....wax on, wax off, brush stroke up down, not side side. He who thinks with head eat chocolate~

~mr. myagi~