I just fullfilled a tiny goal today! Ever since hearing about Gunther Von Haggens BODYWORLDS exhibit of plastinated human bodies i have REALLY wanted to see it! It was showing in Toronto in February of this year, but sadly flights didn't work out to get there in time. So when i was in vancouver this august i saw it was coming to science world and promptly planned to come back for it! Well....today it happened and i have been impressed, educated, and enlightened. We couldn't take pictures inside the exhibit, so these are off the internet and they are part of body worlds 1. i went to body worlds 3, so i didn't see these exact specimens.....but they give you a pretty good idea of what i did see!

Although i didn't see this guy...many of the plastinates had muscle sticking up to expose underlying tissue like he does. One of my favorite parts was seeing the arterial configurations! They injected plastic into the arterial tubes and then chemichally harden it and take away all of the tissue so what is left is just plastic replica of the arteries and capillaries. but the system of that in our body is huge, obviously blood needs to get everywhere! but just imagine a meshwork of red webbing in the form of a body and you can sort of picture it! Our lips are basically all vessel!

This is a smokers lung as you can read. A 20 cig/day smoker takes in about a cup of tar yearly. A lung Tarred is a lung scarred! I went crazy in the gift shop too! Now when i take my class to the U of C cadaver lab it will take on new meaning. The human body is a wonder....the most intricate of God's creation. His attention to detail on us is mind-blowing...He wants us to function to the best of our ability and has given us all we need to do it, packaged in an amazing vessel that really is beautiful right down to the last cell. :)
i wish i could join in your enthusiasm for the human corpse. however i'll stick to enthusiasm for the written word. you can't make fun of me next time i need to google a sir walter scott phrase!
i see dead people.
i will still make fun of you for googling walter scott.....just so you know. ;)
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