Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Here is a rundown of my day....

what was and/or will be good:

1. I gave my students a study day, which for the two that showed up, was great, and it meant i didn't have to prepare a whole lot which was also great

2. I got a raise

3. One of my client's gave me an iced coffee as a tip

4. I sat in the park and read my book drinking in the fragrance of white lilacs in the tree above me

5. I enjoyed the sun

6. It's amazing race night! go tyler and BJ!!!

7. I'm going to eat supper soon....this is a very good thing since i am very hungry

8. this just in!!! i just got a phone call and my parents are delivering a starbucks latte directly into my can my day get any better??

9. i was reading about martin luther king jr. today and realized just how little i know (meaning have experienced) about hate, evil, racism, and really being hurt or hated for no reason. I am glad for this, but also realize that my capacity to forgive hasn't been tested very far. Made me think how i would feel, act, and respond in the shoes of a black person in the southern united states in the 1950's.

10. i got a parking ticket! this maybe isn't such a good thing, but i needed a tenth point to add to my list :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cheers big ears, to all that coffee. what a great day!