OTTAWA!! This means TERESA!!! YAY! Look at that babe! Our first day took us to the Gatineau hills. In spring it is right inbetween pretty tree times. No green leaves, no orange or yellow leaves...just branches. We did hear some woodpeckers though and one even pecked on command!

The main parliment builidng taken from Hull. The round structure is the library of congress. we really wanted to tour it, but its still not open. This is the third time i've been to ottawa in three years and it is still undergoing renovations....when it does finally open i'm expecting something spectacular!

We made pasta one day (it took pretty much the whole day) and we found a smiley face in the eggs. That smiley face on the side there was a great find too ;)

Pakenham, Ontario is a quaint sleepy little town. Just outside is a maple sugar bush where they make maple syrup. Here i am waiting for some to drip out. What?? the syrup doesn't come straight from the trees??? No Renae it actually needs to boil for quite a long time so that it can concentrate and get sweet. This means 40 L of sap only makes 1 L of syrup! wow...thats amazing!

Just before heading to the airport we gave barney a haircut! Oh barney..such a good dog. He didn't really like getting cut, but we reassurred him he was much cuter....and he could actually see! maybe i have a future as a groomer. who thinks this is a good idea?? I'm thinking about what to take in school. hmmm. Renae's grooming parlour..i could combine grooming with massage for dogs. haha. then if i just learnt now to give them little pedicures and manicures...wait they only have feet right, so it would only be pedicures. maybe a little doggy facial. yep, divine doggy spa. who's with me?

1 comment:
that's a huge sunnyside-up eggs ;p !and about the dog spa, Divine Doggy Spa is nice :)
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