Monday, September 01, 2008

What a way to start!

Sometimes I just have to laugh at myself...

There was a "get to know you" bbq for the adventure students yesterday evening that i planned to go to, so i got ready and started driving to the university. I missed the turn i had planned to take so i thought i would turn around and kept driving and thought maybe this road goes to the university so i'll just go straight.. (because all roads go to the university obviously). and the funny thing did!!! so i got there and parked and asked around about the location of where the bbq was supposed to be and no one knew what i was talking about so i walked around some more and then drove around and finally i left. Instead i drove around Kamloops and found a gellato place! yay!

The next morning i wasn't in a hurry because it was just orientation/pay your fees come and go (so i thought). I decided to try to take the bus to school. So i went to the bus stop and waited (because busses come every half hour or so) but it never came, so i walked back to the house and took my car. At school i got directed to the adventure office, walked in and the secretary was like "Renae! you did decided to come"and i thought oh boy if she knows my name i've done something wrong....

so there was class in the morning that i missed! I missed my first class. what a way to start. So i decided to go pay my fees and stood in a loooooong line-up, and made some comment about being last to the people ahead of me who started talking to me and they ended up being part of my program! so that was nice. 45 min. later though it came out that I was in the WRONG line to pay my fees! so i had to stand in another line to do that, but thankfully they kept my place in line to get my student card.

I did end up making it to my afternoon class where we got right into wilderness travel/group leadership stuff and homework! I need to get my mind around this school thing again..being graded, taking tests, ....knowing stuff. do I actually want this?? sometimes i ask myself what i have gotten myself into?

anyway, that's a rundown of the first two days...hopefully I will know what's going on better in the future. :)


righthere.rightnow. said...

Homework on Labour day? That's crazy... glad to see you writing... glad you're following this dream... glad to know you! Looking forward to all your updates, Sandra

Anonymous said...

I'm on the edge of my seat! Was there actually a BBQ or was it a figment of your imagination??

Mama Bear said...

It's just the first week jitters of being in a strange new town at a strange new school. Once you settle into the groove, i think you'll really like it there.