Sunday, November 30, 2008

Holidays cost more than you think!

Stats from the UNWTO:

600 Billion is spent on travel and tourism annually

50 000 people die a day from poverty
1 Billion is enough to put 20 million children in school
4 Billion could save 500 000 mothers per year from dying in childbirth
1.4 Billion would buy water and sanitation for 14 countries
12 Billion would provide anti-retroviral drugs to 75% of the world's HIV-positive people
5.1 Billion in preventative and therapeutic interventions would save 6 million children per year

1.2 Billion live on less than a dollar a day...40 Billion could lift all of them out of poverty.

Why is a ton of the money in our world going towards useless things and not towards helping people!?!?!?!?!

Lets put this into perpective....Why is more of MY money not going towards helping people? If I am not the change I want to see...who will be? I dont have billions by I have something....

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