well here we are from left to right mom, me, my double chin and grandpa!!

We have arrived just in time for Mango season! They are SOOO good, Mango's for breakfast, lunch, dinner, in juice, for snack, fruit salad..i'm not sick of them yet, and more drop every day in the back yard :)

One of the two mango trees in Auntie Joanne's yard.

Enjoying the fruit.

And this my friends is my new best buddy! Reina :) She is the one i'm teaching how to fetch...today she forgot again, but she'll get it. I wouldn't say she's the brightest bulb on the tree, but she is great and i love her!
Ok, i was reading the little blurb you wrote about Reina but i had thought it went with the picture ABOVE the blurb, not below...so i was like "um...whoa, renae. Little mean to that lady in the picture with you". Then as i continued to scroll down, i saw the picture of the dog. HAHA!!
Can I just say you look hot in this picture! Beauty Renae! And I agree with Shelley, originally associated the blurb with the upper picture:)
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