I was just about to go to bed when i remembered...BLOG! Today I will muse on the story of the lady who just had octuplets. I just watched Dateline where they interviewed her pretty in depth....and she seems surprisingly...rational. There are so many debates you can have over this whole situation i'm not surprised the world is having a hay-day with it all. Children's rights is one of them for sure...how can she possibly take care of 14 children? How is it fair to her first 6 children to bring 8 more into the family...will they get enough attention, care, opportunity?
and yet....
people ask why she didn't selectively reduce her fetuses when she found out she was having 7 more.(the eighth was a surprise during the c-section) So I ask what about the rights of those babies? Do the rights of children outside the womb mean more than the rights of children inside the whom? I believe our world says they do. I say no. This woman went right to the embryo stage and said that each of them had a right to live, although she didn't know if they would, she left that up to God. This sort of sparks another debate....Yes her fertility doctor implanted 6 embryo's (there is controversy over what is the standard there of how many to implant) but two previous attmpts at implantation after her six children and before these eight had failed. This was the last time before she called it 'quits' and it happened not to fail.
Do these babies have purpose? yes
will life be easy for this family? no
Are these children loved? yes
Does all of the criticism and attack on her help her in ANY way? no i don't think so
It sounded as if she was conflicted...definitely as a young person, wanting children, struggling with reproductive issues, a failed marriage, disability, deciding to have IVF while still in school....maybe not the best decision, but some people just want to be mom's and that's ok....
I guess there are people that plan to bring babies into this world, and there are babies that are born that aren't planned...
God says 'love your neighbour' and 'feed, clothe and house the needy'...i would say this means people in our own continent as well as around the world.