"The life you see me living is not "mine", but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not going to go back on that." Instead, I want to give back.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
update coming soon
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

...Actually i must say this christmas season has been fantastic for fun parties. Parties with great people that dont need to drink to have a good time. Parties with big hair (see above). Parties with murder mystery games. Parties with foosball tables and really good cheese balls. Parties with bowling. Parties with scary clowns. But always parties with friends. thats what makes them great! thanks friends! I am looking forward to more good times in the next couple of weeks. Me and my family leave for churchill manitoba on thursday. The trip there takes two days of driving plus an overnight train ride. I've never been on a train, I am SO excited! We get to hang out with the polar bears for a week and snowmobile and play in the snow, and i really want to make an igloo and sleep outside!
Then after churchill its off to snowboarding in banff and lake louise.......who is this expert?? :)
so over all i am just looking forward to a super holiday with very little to do with anything i would do normally in my days, except of course have fun. This christmas I have really wanted to see the reality and meaning of Jesus' birth in a new way as well. My family and I decided not to give eachother gifts this year, but to buy a needed gift for a family through world vision. We ended up buying a cow! :) It is amazing the decreased stress in not feeling like i need to buy gifts and send cards. I feel like the family time and love is first. I do admit i have seen things i want though and been like "darn i cant ask for that now".....but i am growing and appreciating more the gift of Jesus. what more could i ask for? what have you all been learning? Well, cheers to all of you reading, hope you all have a happy, love filled christmas season!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Thursday, December 08, 2005
care-free moment
Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Monday, December 05, 2005
how to gain 15 pounds in a year

If you drink one 12 oz can of beer a day without changing your eating habits or exercise regime you will gain 15 pounds in one year. who figures these things out anyway? this guy must have missed the ONE beer a day quota...

That Hite beer must not be too good....um, and lastly becasue this is getting way to boring, they say that the "beer goggles" phenomenon where ugly people seem beautiful because of being a little tipsy, is aided by a few other occurences such as the amount of light in the room, how smokey it is, the drinkers vision, and how far you are away from the person. So if you have poor vision and enter a smoke filled dimly lit room, beware of the person in the back corner giving you the eye. possibly they have one of these......

Friday, December 02, 2005
Soccer Injustice

.....i've included a referee recruiting poster to remind all refs out there that the first rule in the code of ethics of reffing is to encourage fairness and ref as to gain the respect of those who you serve....yes serve. that would be me.

The Oh too familiar drinking picture