Saturday, December 31, 2005

update coming soon

For all of you die hard renae's blog fans out there, a new post is coming soon to a computer near you....stay tuned...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I didn't get to blog about the gnarliest party ever yet, so now is the time. Who could ask for more at a party, but feathered and teased hair, leg warmers, shoulder pads, roller skates and cory hart...

...Actually i must say this christmas season has been fantastic for fun parties. Parties with great people that dont need to drink to have a good time. Parties with big hair (see above). Parties with murder mystery games. Parties with foosball tables and really good cheese balls. Parties with bowling. Parties with scary clowns. But always parties with friends. thats what makes them great! thanks friends! I am looking forward to more good times in the next couple of weeks. Me and my family leave for churchill manitoba on thursday. The trip there takes two days of driving plus an overnight train ride. I've never been on a train, I am SO excited! We get to hang out with the polar bears for a week and snowmobile and play in the snow, and i really want to make an igloo and sleep outside!

Then after churchill its off to snowboarding in banff and lake louise.......who is this expert?? :)

so over all i am just looking forward to a super holiday with very little to do with anything i would do normally in my days, except of course have fun. This christmas I have really wanted to see the reality and meaning of Jesus' birth in a new way as well. My family and I decided not to give eachother gifts this year, but to buy a needed gift for a family through world vision. We ended up buying a cow! :) It is amazing the decreased stress in not feeling like i need to buy gifts and send cards. I feel like the family time and love is first. I do admit i have seen things i want though and been like "darn i cant ask for that now".....but i am growing and appreciating more the gift of Jesus. what more could i ask for? what have you all been learning? Well, cheers to all of you reading, hope you all have a happy, love filled christmas season!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


My day was going totally class went well, the students actually wanted to do more notes than usual today, i talked to a wonderful friend in switzerland (hi anna if you're reading this), i went to the gym and had a great workout, then i went to work for a massage client. There i happend to look down and saw that my fly was open...just when you're a little proud of it all, something happens and you look like a geek. which i've known of myself all along and have a very hard time keeping secret....obvioulsy. whats funny is this didn't just happen once today, no not once, but twice, a little while after the next time i went to the bathroom, there it was again..way too much ventilation.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

care-free moment

I hadn't skipped in a long time, and today i felt like doing it. so i did. I skipped down my walk to my car....and it was GREAT! you should try it.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


I'm getting a feel for living on my own. I'm housesitting for some friends of mine who are gone to Cuba for 2 1/2 weeks. I was told right of the bat that they have two cats which is no problem, i've lived with two cats for a long time. i like cats and become really attached really fast. Lewis and Fin are my new adopted pets. What i didn't know is about the double lives they lead. During the day lazy, docile loving cats and during the night....NINJA KITTIES! Like last night when they decided to practice their moves on my bed! ...what else i didn't know was that my other new adopted pet has eight legs! the night before i get here, after agreeing to housesit without this tidbit of knowledge , i get a phonecall asking if i'm afraid of spiders and do i want them to bring their tarantula elsewhere!!?? So i'm also living with "mo" the spider who is very big and very hairy, and probably at this moment feasting on poor helpless grasshoppers. So what is it about fears anyway? i've always been afraid of spiders thinking that they will .....what? eat me? bite me? kill me? i dont know, and now that i'm in the same dwelling as the biggest one i've ever seen i'm actually surviving AND sleeping a night. maybe we just all have to face our fears at some point to realize how trivial they can be. although facing this would really mean mo being out of his cage sneaking around....*shiver*

Monday, December 05, 2005

how to gain 15 pounds in a year

I just finished a great meal, with a nice beer. ahhhhh. So my dad and I started arguing about a beer fact (i dont know why i even try) and i decided to check it out on the internet. I found the website and started reading about beer and its diuretic properties. By this time i have a coffee in hand and as i take my first sip i read that coffee and beer together amplify those properties as both serve nicely to empty you out. Suddenly I feel the urge to "go" but i decided to hold it and read on. Here is some of the beer information i found out:

If you drink one 12 oz can of beer a day without changing your eating habits or exercise regime you will gain 15 pounds in one year. who figures these things out anyway? this guy must have missed the ONE beer a day quota...
There is actually a beer being made for dogs! It has yellow food coloring and beef boullion and is served in some pubs. which brings me to the legless dog joke, who's owner was asked his dogs name, to which he replied he doens't have one he can't come when he's called anyway! awww poor buddy. Lets see...there is a controvercial beer out there this holiday season that pictures an elf using a slingshot to hurl christmas ornaments at santas sleigh. they weren't going to put it on the market for fear that it would disturb childrens views on santa.

That Hite beer must not be too, and lastly becasue this is getting way to boring, they say that the "beer goggles" phenomenon where ugly people seem beautiful because of being a little tipsy, is aided by a few other occurences such as the amount of light in the room, how smokey it is, the drinkers vision, and how far you are away from the person. So if you have poor vision and enter a smoke filled dimly lit room, beware of the person in the back corner giving you the eye. possibly they have one of these......
and for your listening pleasure: the belch

Friday, December 02, 2005

Soccer Injustice

So my team had a soccer game tonight sort of last minute becuase our new shedule came out just this week. Whatever. We ended up having only five people including myself show up which in indoor means becuase one person is the goalie we are one short on the field. So we start playing and actually score first! they end up tieing it, then we score again. Then the infraction happens. they have a free kick and i, wanting to help out our gracious goalie stand behind her (first mistake) and end up blocking the ball from going in the net with my hands (second bigger mistake). i figure just a two minute penalty and then back to the game well boy was i wrong...... here i am, great save...
....and here's the puffed up power tripping ref giving me a red card and expelling me from the game...yes expelling me, so i have to leave the playing area entirely! then, not only am i expelled, i'm suspended from the next game!! If that is not going overboard by about, well a lot, then i'm a flying pig.....
.....i've included a referee recruiting poster to remind all refs out there that the first rule in the code of ethics of reffing is to encourage fairness and ref as to gain the respect of those who you serve....yes serve. that would be me. So i got to watch my four remaining teammates play their hearts out and actually score again but ending up with a 3-5 loss. i was so proud anyway.

The Oh too familiar drinking picture

Oh My! Here is one of those drinking pictures I usually look at and go "those poor people who have nothing better to do than go drinking and waste their time on useless pursuits no matter how fun they think it is at the time...."....So this is ME!!!!
yes renae plett in a drinking picture, and having fun! possibly now i wont judge so quickly.....So the difference may be that in most drinking pictures people could be half way to sloshdom and hanging out with their buddies. These are my buddies i'm with(we are not sloshed), but they also happen to be my family. my brother jason in the orange vest, and *gasp* my parents are the ones on the other end of the table taking the picture of their two children "cheersing" their alchohol. So what am i proud of? That this drinking picture can be good, that my family can be a part of it, and that (unlike most girls in drinking pictures) my chest isn't falling out of my shirt.