I'm getting a feel for living on my own. I'm housesitting for some friends of mine who are gone to Cuba for 2 1/2 weeks. I was told right of the bat that they have two cats which is no problem, i've lived with two cats for a long time. i like cats and become really attached really fast. Lewis and Fin are my new adopted pets. What i didn't know is about the double lives they lead. During the day lazy, docile loving cats and during the night....NINJA KITTIES! Like last night when they decided to practice their moves on my bed!
...what else i didn't know was that my other new adopted pet has eight legs! the night before i get here, after agreeing to housesit without this tidbit of knowledge , i get a phonecall asking if i'm afraid of spiders and do i want them to bring their tarantula elsewhere!!?? So i'm also living with "mo" the spider who is very big and very hairy, and probably at this moment feasting on poor helpless grasshoppers. So what is it about fears anyway? i've always been afraid of spiders thinking that they will .....what? eat me? bite me? kill me? i dont know, and now that i'm in the same dwelling as the biggest one i've ever seen i'm actually surviving AND sleeping a night. maybe we just all have to face our fears at some point to realize how trivial they can be. although facing this would really mean mo being out of his cage sneaking around....*shiver* 

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*quivering in fear*
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